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Administrator's Welcome,


At Cloud Christian Education Center (CCEC) and Cloud Christian High School (CCHS), we believe that hiring God fearing teachers and administrators is very important to fostering a Christian educational culture of respect, excellence, and creativity.  Our prayerfully selected staff members bring a diversity of experiences from NASA, home- schooling, recent college graduation, and the public school sector. Staff members have Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate degrees in fields ranging from literature and Spanish to physics and electrical engineering.  We strive to maintain a multi-cultural environment where Christ's love is evident to all.  CCEC and the CCHS are ministries of The Little Lambs Christian Church.


Cloud Christian desires to meet the needs of parents and students seeking a college preparatory, Christian education and environment.  Cloud's endeavor is to provide a flexible schedule to accommodate home-schooling parents who are interested in supplementing their home instruction with one or more courses such as Spanish, Music, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II/ Geometry, and Economics/ Financial Literacy (Dave Ramsey high school curriculum).   Saxon, not Common Core materials are used for math.  



Dr. Monroe Kennedy Jr.



Karen Kennedy


Monroe Kennedy Jr., a scientist who is a Christian, has a Ph.D. in physics from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), teacher certification from John Carroll University, and principal and superintendent certifications from Cleveland State University. He has taught high school science for ten years, college level science for three years, and has been a principal for six years. He has been a minister of the gospel since 1998 and has been the founding pastor of a developing, non-denominational church named The Little Lambs Christian Church (TLC).  Cloud Christian High School is a ministry of TLC.  He has been married to Karen Kennedy for over 25 years and they have four children and seven grandchildren.  

Karen Kennedy has been a firm believer in the Lord Jesus Christ since childhood.  She attributes 

her B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) and M.S. in physics from CWRU to God's plan for her life to encourage people in both academics and their Christian walk with Christ.  She worked for many years in the Electronic Design Center at CWRU in semiconductor fabrication and research support until 1996, when led by the Lord, she left the traditional workforce to K-12 homeschool their younger 3 children. 


While their eldest daughter attended various public schools, it became apparent that there was a need for Christ-centered education and enviroment.  She earned a B.S. in computer science from Fisk University and later an M.B.A.. Their oldest son is now an engineering Ph.D. student at Penn.  Another son is currently an honor student at Cleveland State University. In the Spring of 2016, their youngest daughter will be graduating from homeschool and Cuyahoga Community College. Being able to take classes at a place like Cloud Christian Enrichment Center while continuing to homeschool would have benefited them with foreign language classes, hands-on laboratory science classes and transcripts that colleges could feel comfortable evaluating.  Karen Kennedy is the Director of CCEC/ CCHS.

Tiffany Tumino has always believed in God's existence, and as a young child received Christ into her heart. She has studied Spanish for over a decade. She truly began serving Christ in the eighth grade when was homeschooled.  This single year prepared her for when she would attend both a public high school and university. God called her to those secular environments to embolden and teach her many lifelong lessons.  These lessons have helped her grow in her faith. Her desire is to encourage and prepare students as she teaches Spanish and English Language Arts.  She aspires to equip them for the unique purpose God has planned for each of them.  One of her favorite Spanish words is “esperanza,” which means hope. Ms. Tumino stated, "Oh, that all students would find their only hope in Christ alone and share this hope with the world!"


Ms. Tumino received her bachelor’s degree in Spanish and a minor in counseling from the University of Toledo (UT).  During her tenure at UT, she had the opportunity to travel to Venezuela with a Christian organization and do mission work at an orphanage and a local college campus.  Ms. Tumino stated, "God has placed in my heart a passion not only for traveling abroad, but also for young adults— to see the next generation of students sincerely love God, eagerly living out the Gospel in their daily lives and in their future career".


Dr. David Snyder holds the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, the living Word, and the principle way the Holy Spirit speaks to us today. He attends a Lutheran Church, particularly of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and ascribes to the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian Christian Creeds.  Dr. Snyder has taught Sunday school and been involved with a weekly small group Bible study for approximately 20 years.


After receiving a B.A. in physics from the University of Binghamton and a Ph.D. in applied physics from Washington State University, Dr. Snyder accepted a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant position at Case Western Reserve University. In this position, he investigated solar cell array arcing in the geosynchronous space environment in conjunction with NASA Lewis/Glenn. While working at NASA Glenn for over 30 years, Dr. Snyder investigated solar array arcing and solar cell measurements and calibration. He also contributed to the Space Station Plasma and Waves Working Group, Space Station Grounding Tiger Team, Loral Satellite Arc investigation, EOS-AM (Terra) arc mitigation investigation and developed an Ozone Correction Method.


For nine years, Dr. Snyder voluntarily developed the BalloonSat portion of NASA Glenn’s Explorers Post 632 for high school students. In this exciting group, students learned about extremely high altitude conditions, designed experiments to be carried several miles into Earth’s atmosphere using a weather balloon, retrieved the payload using radio telemetry, and analyzed the data.

Reverend William Brewer has a passionate and pedagogic approach to teaching that touches the hearts and challenges the ears of those who are committed to growing in Christian faith and love. With a faithfulness to live out his dual call in both music and pastoral ministry, he teaches and preaches with purpose, leads by example, and sings with conviction all for the sake of building up the Kingdom of God.  Rev. Brewer has been married to the love of his life and his college sweetheart, Patrice R. Brewer for 5 years and they enjoy being the proud parents of their two daughters.


Rev. Brewer holds a B.A. in Music from Oberlin College and a Master of Divinity degree with a specialization in Liturgical Arts from Methodist Theological School in Ohio. Currently, he serves as the Pastor of Mount Pleasant UMC in Cleveland, and is completing his Doctor of Ministry degree in Wesleyan Practices from Ashland Theological Seminary.


Rev. Brewer is also a classically trained pianist, Bass-Baritone vocalist, and choral conductor. He currently is the Artistic Director and Conductor of the Heritage Chorale of Cleveland and a member of the American Choral Directors Association. As an ambassador of Christ and a teacher of God’s Word, he has a heart for the Lord and for passionate worship, and a vision of faithfully fulfilling God’s purpose to equip youth and adults for doing outreach.



Our Vision

Cloud Christian High School will provide a Christ-centered environment that inspires individual student growth both personally and academically.

Our Philosophy

Students excel when they perceive they are in a safe and loving Christian environment where teachers model and have high expectations for quality work, support mature behavior and real world relevance is accentuated.

Our Mission

To link Christian values and academics to impact our world for the glory of God by:


  • Engaging critical thinking,

  • Instilling a passion for lifelong learning and serving,

  • Developing leaders by encouraging and stirring up God-given gifts, and

  • Promoting an atmosphere of integrity, gratitude for God’s blessings, respect for   one another and one’s self, and joyful recognition of each others gifts, talents,   accomplishments and contributions.

Our Core Values

Grace - Extending to others the same unmerited favor God has given to us                      through faith in Jesus Christ is seminal for producing an exciting, 

               positive learning culture.  (John 13:34-35)


Mercy - Being quick to show mercy, while maintaining high standards of                        truth, builds character, trust, and supports the development of love.                 (Matthew 5:7)


Peace - Internal peace from God is to be highly sought after and guarded.                      External peace is necessary for a quality learning environment.                           (Matthew 5:9, Philippians 4:6-8)

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